Bell Engraving  



MN-123 - 6 inch Bell - Engraved. 

Bell Engraving

Robin's Dockside Shop
offers engraving on any of our fine bells.

The engraving can be simple text or a design or Logo.

Bells have special meaning. They have been used for centuries on land or at sea to herald events, call the family to dinner, warn of danger, attract attention to something going on in a local area. At sea the bell signals the end of a watch period or sounds an alarm of danger.

Fire engines and trucks all have a bell. The bell on a fire engine dates back to the horse drawn wagon days before sirens were invented. Firehouses also like a bell with their station number on it.

Shown at left is our most popular Solid Brass 6 inch Bell.
Item: MN-123 -
Price: $89.95

 - OR -

Choose from the sizes below to order the size that you need.
Price includes the bell PLUS the engraving.

Chrome Medium Ship's Bell - 6 inch
Item: SP1844

Solid Brass Ships Fog Bell - 6 inch
Item: F-6300-6

Solid Brass Large Ships Bell - 8 inch
Item: MN-116

Solid Brass Large Ships  
10 inch
Item: MN-117

Solid Brass Very Heavy Large Ships Bell - 8"
Item: H-8450-8

Price: $89.95

Price: $139.95

Price: $169.95

Price: $299.95

Price: $339.95

How to Order:

To order your engraved bell simply select the bell you wish to have engraved from the list of images above.  The price of engraving has been added to the cost of each bell. Then click the E-Mail button below and send us an e-mail with the desired text or Logo that you want on your bell. We shall confirm your request in a return e-mail and/ or a phone call.

Bell Engraving text or inscription request ->>

Engraved Plates

Robin's Dockside Shop
also has engraved plates available at the great ONE-RATE price.
Price is:
$40.00 for any number of words, characters or small graphic on either of our two sizes of plates.  Sizes are between 1" x 3" Brass plate and 6" x 3-1/2" Brass plate.

Our engraving orders are done by the same small affiliate shop that has been in business many years and specializes in etching and engraving.  They can generally engrave on any item that has a flat or curved surface.

How to Order:
To order your engraved plate simply click the blue "Engraving" button below.
If you are charged for shipping that price will be refunded in your order. Then click the gold E-Mail button and send us the text or inscription that you want on the plate.  You might also tell us the size plate you require. in the E-mail. We shall confirm your request in a return e-mail and/ or a phone call.

Plate engraving text and inscription request ->>  


Engraving Samples


Special Engraved Projects:

Robin's Dockside Shop has done several special presentation products over the course of the past few years.
Each of these required special attention and planning but the outcomes have been very handsome and rewarding. We also do our best to keep the costs down so as to make these special projects affordable.  If you or your organization has a requirement for a special project such as is pictured below simply give us a call.  We enjoy doing these things and will enjoy putting one or several together for your needs as well. Military orders get an automatic 10% discount.

Sample Projects.

A special bell presentation plaque for graduation ceremony for a US Navy Chief.
Our Solid Brass US Navy Bell mounted on a hardwood plaque with engraved plate.
$149.95 Complete


A special telescope plaque for a retiring US Coast Guard Commander.
Our Solid Brass large Telescope mounted on a Mahogany plaque with engraved brass plate. 
$324.90 Complete

Thank you for visiting our on-line shop and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.


Robin's Dockside Shop


Copyright - 2024 - Robin's Dockside, Baltimore, Maryland

All rights reserved.