Nautical Talk |
"Never let the truth
get in the way of a good story."
Due to the seafaring nature of the items and gifts we have at
Robin’s Dockside Shop, we decided to have this special page to
explain some of the terms and items we carry on-board.
Robin's Dockside Shop
(410) 609-4044
Thank you
for visiting our on-line store
As one looks around
Robin’s Dockside Shop
one thing is clear, that most of our items
have their origins steeped in our history. Consider the fact that if it were not for the seafarers,
sailors and pirates of the early centuries, most of us would
not be here where we are today. Most of our ancestors came to
where we live today by ship. They crossed the mostly
uncharted seas in wooden ships driven by the wind and at the
mercy of the elements. These were generally very young, hearty men
and women who overcame extreme hardships and environments to
emerge with tales and deeds and instruments and songs that
survive to this day.
Their lives and
their tall ships became so inspiring to us that we
still write books and produce movies based on the period
when tall wooden ships and iron men (actually teenagers)
were the rulers of the seas. We all know the names -
Admiral Lord Nelson, Old Ironsides, HMS Victory, Port Royal,
the Battle of Trafalgar,
Blackbeard the Pirate, and of course Captain Jack Sparrow.
The list is endless. But aside from the more famous names
there are the men and women of today who do commercial
fishing in some of the most hazardous conditions, and who man
our naval and merchant vessels and live at sea every day of
the year regardless of the weather season.
Along with the men
and ships there developed a whole list of objects that were
essential to sailing in an era when electricity, computers,
GPS, radio and radar did not exist. These are the nostalgic
items and pieces of history that
Robin’s Dockside Shop
has become famous for.
Thus we have compiled
this little list for those of you who do not know what these
items are, and for those who just want to refresh their
memories. Plus we would like to hear from any of those old
salts amongst you who may know better about some of our
items and treasures than we do.
So shop around matey,
have fun in our store, and drop us a word or two if
you have time. We are
Robin’s Dockside Shop
where the rum
is always awash and the sea stories abound. We are always
here to serve you. |
Nautical phrases that
pertain to items we carry in our store.
Anchor Lamp
- a white light displayed by a ship or boat at anchor. Two such
lights are required to be displayed by ships over 150 feet in length. |
- so low in the water that the water is constantly washing
across the surface.
- to stop! Cease or desist from whatever is being done.
- the stand on which the ship's compass is mounted. Also
refers to the compass itself that is located behind the
ship’s wheel. See
- a non-commissioned officer responsible for the sails,
ropes and boats on a ship who issues "piped" commands to
seamen using a
“boatsun’s pipe" or whistle. |
- a spar projecting from the bow used as an anchor for the
forestay and other rigging. |
- an enclosed room on a
or flat part of the ship,
usually a sleeping quarters with it's own washing facilities
and uses particular
lighting or
cabin lamp. |
Cargo Lantern -
sturdy larger oil lantern used to light the cargo hold of a
ship. Since ships do not have windows on lower decks, these
lights were always lit or could be easily lit when entering
the area of the ship where the cargo was stored. |
Chart Magnifier
- a small magnifier used to look closely at markings on charts
and maps and the fine print on documents. |
Colors -
flags or banners that represent a ship, its owners, or
country of origin. |
- navigational instrument that revolutionized travel, by
giving early sailors accurate directional readings other than
relying on the position of sun and certain stars at night.
come in many styles. |
Master Compass
- usually a compass enclosed in a box and kept in the
captain’s quarters away from other metal that might
influence its operation.
Used by the captain and officers
when consulting charts and readings. |
Sundial Compass
- a complex instrument used to tell time before clocks were
invented by using the angle of the sun and the direction of
its shadow. |
or cockswain - The helmsman or crew member in command
of steering a boat or ship. Generally an older,
experienced seaman who knew how to "read" the ship and
the seas. |
- symbolic image at the head of a traditional sailing ship
or early steamer
First Mate
- the Second in command of a ship but generally in charge of
the enlisted crew.
- a partial deck, above the upper deck and at the head of
the vessel; traditionally above the sailors' living quarters.
Abbreviated "Fo'c'sle by old sailors.
- the kitchen of the ship; on smaller vessels it is also the dining area as well.
This area is also used for meetings and other events, or just
a place the enlisted crew hang out with drinks and
snacks. Galley tables would have a small candle or oil
lantern for light. |
- watered-down rum. From the time of British Admiral Vernon who, in
1740, ordered the men's ration of rum to be watered down. He
was called Old Grogram because he often wore a
coat), hence the watered rum
came to be called 'grog'. For some good rum,
click here
- upper edge of the hull of a ship or boat. Term is
derived from the place where deck guns were placed.
The Gun-Rail.
or Halliard - ropes used for hoisting a spar (cross
piece of wood) with a
sail attached.
– usually referring to the
toilet on board but also used to designate an entire
bathroom facility. On large passenger liners the
upper-class cabins are called "staterooms" and have
a "head" or adjoining bathroom marked by a brass
sign. |
- the station and ship’s wheel that controlled the ship’s
direction. The term refers to the actual wheel but is also
extended to that entire station where the ship is
controlled. |
Hourglass - used
aboard ship to mark small periods of time as when
taking depth soundings or timing the crew while performing
certain tasks like raising or lowering sails, etc. |
Lighthouse Lantern
- generally a fairly large oil lantern with a Fresnel lens
that is placed inside the big rotating Fresnel lens of a
lighthouse. This double magnification of light then shines
out to sea warning ships of obstructions along the shore.
The lens is named after the French physicist
Augustin-Jean Fresnel
who developed the glass structure to magnify the light that
shines through it. |
the correct nautical term for the
majority of the cordage or "ropes" used on a vessel. A line
will always have a more specific name, such as
which describes its use.
Main) - The tallest mast on a ship.
Navigation Lamps -
the port ( red) and starboard (green) lamps on all ships.
These give other passing ships a good idea which side of a
ship (or boat) one is seeing and thus in which direction it is
headed at night. |
- a
privately owned ship authorized by a national power (by
means of a
Letter of
to conduct hostilities against an enemy. Also called a
private man of war. Often these "Privateers"
were unsupervised and ended up becoming the pirates we know so well. |
Running rigging
used to manipulate sails,
spars, etc. in order to control the movement of the ship.
Rigging is the term used for the full collection "lines" and
sails that one sees on sailing ships and boats. |
- A sextant is a
measuring instrument
generally used to measure the
angle of elevation of a
celestial object above
horizon. Making this
measurement is known as sighting the object, shooting
the object, or taking a sight. The angle, and the time
when it was measured, can be used to calculate a
position line
on a
nautical or aeronautical
A common use of the sextant is to sight the
sun at noon to find one's
latitude |
Ship’s Bell
- the bell on a ship is
used to alert the crew to many events. It was used to tell time
as it would be rang each hour on the hour. “Four bells and
all is well." The ship’s bell also summoned the crew to
quarters when needed. |
– a small hand-held telescope which extends when pulled open,
and is adjusted to the focal length of a person’s eye. The
most important instrument used by all sailors on the
high seas. |
Ship’s Telegraph
- a tall standing instrument used on the bridge of steamships or ships with
an engine. The desired speed would be dialed up on the
telegraph and an
attached cable attached would move the dial
of a slave
telegraph in the engine
room. This would ring a bell and alert the crew to change the speed of the
engine. |
Weather Station
- generally a small cluster of instruments that give
temperature and barometric pressure readings. From these
one can quickly determine what weather conditions may be
approaching. |
This is
by no means a complete list of terms and items used by
seaman the world over, but gives one some idea what these
things are, and of the complexity and difference between life
at sea and on the land.
This list will be constantly updated so maybe you should
check back later. If you would like to add to it, just drop
us a line via e-mail. We also invite you to join our
Monthly Newsletter Mailing List, Simply
Click Here
to sign up.
Robin’s Dockside Shop |