Fo'c'sle Iron Mesh Candle
For quiet nights aboard
ship a fairly wind proof candle lantern for light up on the
Forecastle "Fo'c'sle" of the ship. Few things are more
peaceful than riding the bow of a sailing ship on a warm
summer evening. The moonlight on the water and a blanket of
stars overhead while the only sound is the waves against the
hull. Your trusty Focsle lantern is just enough to light the
deck around you.
Our Fo'c'sle Lantern is an antique finish iron mesh that has no glass to
break if dropped or banged against a railing or mast.
A great candle lantern for patio or deck at home or at the
The lantern is a very impressive 17" tall with a ring handle
for hanging or to safely carry about when lighted.
Item: IR-15351